Surgical taking out of molarFirst teeth in humans are growing from 6 months till 3 years old children, and stay usually until 8 years of age. When first teeth fall out, better known as milk teeth, beneath them are starting to grow teeth that will last you for a life time, with exception from third molar, and it usually appear about 20 years of age, but it’s not a strict rule.

Appearing of molar can cause big problems, because all the other teeth are all grown, and in their places, so there is no room for molars, and he pushes other teeth. It grows, like the other teeth in a straight line, but it can start to grow in wrong way, so it should be taken out right away, so it wouldn’t cause more pain.
Today, food is processed in that way, and it is softer and easier to eat, so the real function of these teeth lost its function. Because of that, if in the beginning stage we see that this teeth may cause any problems, or it’s growing crooked, we urge to take it out, so it wouldn’t cause any further damage during the growth.

Surgical taking out of molar
For surgical removal of molar we decide after detail checkout and easement of our dentistry doctor, tooth is being dentally imaged to determine its position.

How many molars do we have?
In total, we have four molars, two on the upper jaw, and two in the lower jaw, which are positioned on the right and on the left side on the end of all the other teeth. Some people don’t have any third molar, and in some cases, they don’t grow up at all.

Should we take out our molar teeth?
Only our dentist can tell you is it really necessary to take out the molars. Most of the dentists are agreed on the fact that there is no valid reason for taking out molar teeth, in case they don’t cause any pain, or represents further trouble for the other teeth, or the jaw itself. Because of that, taking out of the tooth is not always the option.

How is surgically removed molar?
Surgery of the third molar is done with local anesthesia, and with that, any pain and unpleasantness is avoided. If the patient needs a sedation, to control fear and nervousness, so the patient would be relaxed for the procedure, it will be provided to them, because the surgery may last up until two hours. Risk of having this procedure is so low, and can be done without any need for hospital care.

Postoperative care
After removing the molar it is necessary to have some safety precautions. It should be eaten liquid food such as: soups, chowder, thick soups, and other foods that don’t require chewing. Hot fod should be avoided, as well as alcohol, and it should be taken real good care while washing your teeth, and follow the instructions our dentist gave you.